
For some data forms and surveys, the same set of answers may be used for many questions in a row, such as scales indicating frequency or agreement. To fully grasp the “matrix of fields” concept, it may be easier to view an example of a finished implementation before delving into the specifics of the set­‐up.

Setting up the matrix is essentially writing many questions at once, all of which use the same set of answers. As such, there is only one section to define column choices, but there are many field labels, each with their own variable names and requirement statuses. You may add as many rows as necessary for your matrix.

There are two answer formats for matrices of fields: Single Answer (Radio Buttons) and Multiple Answers (Checkboxes). For most matrices, Single Answer will be the preferred format.

A matrix group name must be provided. Its naming mechanism is similar to the general variable naming mechanism. The group name itself is basically a coded value which ensures that no matter what display platform the matrix goes through, all of the rows will be displayed together in a single matrix.