Vital Signs

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Vital Signs

Many Vital Signs CRFs collect each unique result in its own field (e.g., height, weight, blood pressure, etc.) and the resulting values are stored as separate variables in the clinical data management system.

Variables Data Type Question Code List Validation
vspref radio Were vital signs collected? ny
vsdat text On what date were the measurements performed? date_dmy
vstim text At what time were the measurements performed? time
vstpt dropdown What is the planned time point for this measurement?
vstest dropdown What is the vital sign test name? vstest autocomplete
vsorres text What was the result of the measurement?
vsorresu dropdown What was the unit of the measurement? vdresu autocomplete
vsloc dropdown At what location was the measurement taken? loc autocomplete
vspos dropdown In what position was the subject during the measurement? position autocomplete
vsclsig radio Was the result clinically significant? ny