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Variables Data Type Question Code List Validation
epoch dropdown To which period of the trial does this disposition refer? epoch autocomplete
dsdecod dropdown What was the subject's status at [epoch]? ncomplt autocomplete
c102355 notes Specify Withdrawal By Parent/Guardian
c105448 notes Specify Failure To Meet Randomization Criteria
c106576 notes Specify Site Terminated By Sponsor
c17649 notes Specify Status
c25250 notes Specify Completed
c25742 notes Specify Pregnancy
c25746 notes Specify Recovery
c28554 notes Specify Death
dthdat text What was the date of Death? date_dmy
c35571 notes Specify Progressive Disease
c38155 notes Specify Disease Relapse
c41331 notes Specify Adverse Event
dsaeno text Adverse Event Specify AE ID
c48226 notes Specify Lack Of Efficacy
c48227 notes Specify Lost To Follow-Up
c48250 notes Specify Physician Decision
c48251 notes Specify Protocol Deviation
c49628 notes Specify Screen Failure
c49631 notes Specify Non-Compliance With Study Drug
c49633 notes Specify Technical Problems
c49634 notes Specify Withdrawal By Subject
c49632 notes Specify Study Terminated By Sponsor
dsstdat text What was the date of [epoch]? date_dmy
dsunblnd radio Was treatment unblinded by the site? ny
dscont radio Will the subject continue? ny
dsnext dropdown What is the next period the subject will continue to? epoch autocomplete